31 research outputs found

    Exploiting the P300 paradigm for cognitive

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    Abstract: Automatic identification of a person's individuality is an important issue today. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) which uses EEG as a modality is a promising area for cognitive biometrics. A BCI system could be used to recognise a sequence (say letters, colours or images) by the user. This sequence could form a 'BrainWord', which could be used for authentication in a multimodal environment with other technologies for high security applications. In this work, we studied several variations of the well-known P300 BCI paradigm. The influence of irrelevant stimuli during a task was studied by considering the popular Rapid Serial Visual Paradigm (RSVP). The variation in spatial locations of the presentation stimuli during a task was studied, by designing a Spatially Varying Paradigm. Comparison of classification accuracies and bit rates for eight participants from a BCI perspective, highlights that RSVP paradigm could be exploited effectively for biometrics

    HMM-Based speech recognition using adaptive framing

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    A common approach in mapping a signal to discrete events is to define a set of symbols that correspond to useful acoustic features of the signal over a short constant time interval. This paper proposes a Hidden Markov Models (HMM) based speech recognition by using cepstrum feature of the signal over adaptive time interval. First pitch period is detected by dyadic wavelet transform and divides the voiced speech signal according to the detected period. Then, system performs HMM-based speech recognition using cepstrum feature to classify the speech signals. Two speech recognition systems have been developed, one is based on constant time framing and the other is adaptive framing. The results are compared and found that adaptive framing method shows better result in both data distribution and recognition rate

    Multiview Laplacian semisupervised feature selection by leveraging shared knowledge among multiple tasks

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    Recently, considerable advancement has been achieved in semisupervised multitask feature selection methods, which they exploit the shared information from multiple related tasks. Besides, these algorithms have adopted manifold learning to leverage both the unlabeled and labeled data since its laborious to obtain adequate labeled training data. However, these semisupervised multitask selection feature algorithms are unable to naturally handle the multiview data since they are designed to deal single-view data. Existing studies have demonstrated that mining information enclosed in multiple views can drastically enhance the performance of feature selection. Multiview learning is capable of exploring the complementary and correlated knowledge from different views. In this paper, we incorporate multiview learning into semisupervised multitask feature selection framework and present a novel semisupervised multiview multitask feature selection framework. Our proposed algorithm is capable of exploiting complementary information from different feature views in each task while exploring the shared knowledge between multiple related tasks in a joint framework when the labeled training data is sparse. We develop an efficient iterative algorithm to optimize it since the objective function of the proposed method is non-smooth and difficult to solve. Experiment results on several multimedia applications have shown that the proposed algorithm is competitive compared with the other single-view feature selection algorithms

    Naturalness preserving image recoloring method for people with red–green deficiency

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    People with red–green color vision deficiency may experience difficulties in discriminating colors. To enhance the visual details and improve their color perception, several recoloring methods have been considered. However, most of the recoloring methods take into consideration only the needs of red–green deficients, which may look unnatural to normal viewers or trichromats. This paper proposes a simple and efficient recoloring method that not only improves visual details and enhances the color perception of the red–green deficients but also preserves the naturalness of the recolored images for both trichromats and red–green deficients. Objective and subjective evaluations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method and three other recoloring methods. Results show that the proposed method performs better in terms of naturalness preservation and overall preference by trichromats and red–green deficients

    Image denoising using combined higher order non-convex total variation with overlapping group sparsity

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    It is widely known that the total variation image restoration suffers from the stair casing artifacts which results in blocky restored images. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a combined non-convex higher order total variation with overlapping group sparse regularizer. The hybrid scheme of both the overlapping group sparse and the non-convex higher order total variation for blocky artifact removal is complementary. The overlapping group sparse term tends to smoothen out blockiness in the restored image more globally, while the non-convex higher order term tends to smoothen parts that are more local to texture while preserving sharp edges. To solve the proposed image restoration model, we develop an iteratively re-weighted ℓ1 based alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm to deal with the constraints and subproblems. In this study, the images are degraded with different levels of Gaussian noise. A comparative analysis of the proposed method with the overlapping group sparse total variation, the Lysaker, Lundervold and Tai model, the total generalized variation and the non-convex higher order total variation, was carried out for image denoising. The results in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio and structure similarity index measure show that the proposed method gave better performance than the compared algorithms. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Impulse noise detection technique based on fuzzy set

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    In this study, a new fuzzy-based technique is introduced for denoising images corrupted by impulse noise. The proposed method is based on the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS), in which the degree of hesitation plays an important role. The degree of hesitation of the pixels is obtained from the values of memberships of the object and the background of the image. After minimising the obtained hesitation function, the IFS is constructed and the noisy pixels are detected outside the neighbourhood of mean intensity of the object and the background of an image. Denoised images are relatively analysed with five other methods: modified decision-based unsymmetric trimmed median filter, noise adaptive fuzzy switched median filter, adaptive fuzzy switching weighted average filter, adaptive weighted mean filter, iterative alpha trimmed mean filter. Performances of the proposed method along with these five state-of the-art methods are evaluated using a peak signal-to-noise ratio and error rate along with the time for computation. Experimentally, derived denoising method showed an improved performance than five other existing techniques in filtering noise in images due to the reduction of uncertainty while choosing the noisy pixels

    A survey of image quality measures

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    Abstract—Image quality assessment is one of the challenging field of digital image processing system. It can be done subjectively or objectively. PSNR is the most popular and widely used objective image quality metric but it is not correlate well with the subjective assessment. Thus, there are a lot of objective image quality metrics (IQM) developed in the past few decades to replace PSNR. This paper provides a literature review of the current subjective and objective image quality measures. The purpose of this paper is to collect reported quality metrics and group them according to their strategies and techniques. I

    A thresholding method based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets: an application to image segmentation

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    This paper proposes a new fuzzy approach for the segmentation of images. L-interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) are constructed from two L-fuzzy sets that corresponds to the foreground (object) and the background of an image. Here, L denotes the number of gray levels in the image. The length of the membership interval of IVIFS quantifies the influence of the ignorance in the construction of the membership function. Threshold for an image is chosen by finding an IVIFS with least entropy. Contributions also include a comparative study with ten other image segmentation techniques. The results obtained by each method have been systematically evaluated using well-known measures for judging the segmentation quality. The proposed method has globally shown better results in all these segmentation quality measures. Experiments also show that the results acquired from the proposed method are highly correlated to the ground truth images